Monday, April 15, 2013

I am a Runner !!

I am a runner and run I must
Until I die and turn into dust

I run after things, for love or lust
Leaving behind my dear ones whom i trust

I have a weight that I carry in my heart
It is regret for times with friends, I lived apart

I was bruised and battered by people who mattered 
They moved on with life but left me shattered

For whom do I run, I run for what?
All of which I get, in the end would be naught

The finish line is near but never will I reach it
I know it is a mirage you don't have to preach it

My eyes are getting dimmer but I will not stop
'coz I am a runner and run I must
Until I die and turn into dust

About Me

My photo
Describing myself is the most confusing task ever. I have many forms. I have been the biggest prankster at school and also the most serious thinker at college. I was the carefree,I-dont-give-a-damn attitude guy and also the most caring and loving person. I have been the rock solid emotionless freak and also the crying baby in my mother's arms. Life has metamorphosed me into various forms and would continue to do it. All that is original about me is my heart which would never change. Sorry I cannot describe it as it is far too complex. All you need to know about me is I am Suheil Karkera