Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Journey called Wedding

I have Problems, so do you.
I have solutions, so do you.
I do things that irritate you,
I get mad at things done by you.
We fight and fight,till our throats go dry
Which ends up soon, after you cry
I wont say sorry, so wont you.
I wont talk and you don't too.
I cant imagine my life without you,
I know for sure,without me, so cant you.
I love you and always will be with you.

Well I believe that sums it all up when asked to describe the term "Wedding". When looked at it in a perfunctory way it appears to us as a ceremony which binds two individuals in a bond that should be only broken by death. But on a closer observation Wedding is so much more than that.
Wedding is a phase that starts right after you take the oath of living with your partner for the rest of your life and continues till one of you is on the doors of heaven. It is the phase when you learn so much everyday. It is the strenuous job of bullying your egos and aspirations to make the wedding work. It is the phase of adjustments and compromises never imagined before. The most important and difficult task is living with one person throughout your life.

Its impossible for a guy like me. I am not a commitment phobic, but what if I choose the wrong person. The thought of staying with a wrong person for the rest of my life is so overwhelming that it makes me very analytical and judgmental about people. That is why I was very scared of it until last Sunday 12th October 2008--My Parents Silver Jubilee Anniversary. I was in front of a gathering talking about my parents' journey of 25 years when it dawned upon me. They are two very different individuals. There is such a big crevasse between their personalities yet they managed 25 years together and are still going the same way. I have witnessed all of their ups and downs even though they have tried to keep us out of it all the time. They might be teasing and fighting with each other but whenever there is something wrong with either one of them, the other one transforms into an Angel from God and bolsters the needy one. Its amazing to see the speed at which this happens. It is said couples are made in heaven and I beg to differ. I say Heaven just makes normals human beings. It is they who make couples and work very hard in being couples and it is these couples who make happy families.

I know my parents are not unique. This is the case with every couple. This is the beauty of marriage. The couples are not bound by any outer compulsion to stay with each other but it is the hidden love among all the bantering that happens that makes them stick to each other always.

That's all for now guys. Sorry I am being irregular here. I am working hard to be regular. Till the next time.Bye bye


sandhya said...
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sandhya said...

I agree with you. Same goes with my marraige as well...Everyday when i look at this man i married i see how diffrent we are and still how much in love we are with each other.

Wonderful piece.

About Me

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Describing myself is the most confusing task ever. I have many forms. I have been the biggest prankster at school and also the most serious thinker at college. I was the carefree,I-dont-give-a-damn attitude guy and also the most caring and loving person. I have been the rock solid emotionless freak and also the crying baby in my mother's arms. Life has metamorphosed me into various forms and would continue to do it. All that is original about me is my heart which would never change. Sorry I cannot describe it as it is far too complex. All you need to know about me is I am Suheil Karkera